Governor Li Lecheng came to Huaye for Investigation

        On December 25, Li Lecheng, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, visited Liaoning Huaye Group Development Co., Ltd. for investigation. Ma Liming, chairman of the group company, introduced the company's main products, EPC engineering projects, civil military integration projects and the development of the "the Belt and Road" project overseas market to Li Lecheng, governor of the province in detail; The group company has made achievements in strengthening scientific research, strengthening cooperation with academician teams of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, attracting top high-tech talents in the industry, etc. After hearing this, Governor Li Lecheng said that Huaye Group had increased its research and development efforts, continuously improved its core competitiveness, and played an important role in the "three major articles" of structural adjustment in Liaoning Province. He asked the relevant departments of the province to give Huaye Group more in-depth support, find the right way to serve the main body of the market, and let the project stay and the enterprise develop well.

As a key private enterprise in Liaoning Province, Liaoning Huaye Group has strong innovation competitiveness and large market share in the field of heavy industrial and electrical equipment manufacturing, especially the achievements in the field of electrochemical smelting, investment, operation and maintenance of local power grid, and the general contracting of high voltage and high power transmission and transformation complete project (EPC). Huaye Group has a broad prospect.